
Design Film Digital Solutions are an innovative agency. We stay on top of the latest technology trends and like to inform our customers of any recent projects we've been working on. Read through our latest blog posts as we explore and talk about different topics. Including industry updates, latest trends, recent projects, recommended usage of our services and benefits.

Time-lapse – the joy of art projects

19 November 2021

Sadly it does not happen often enough; the phone call or the email that fills the heart with joy. It usually starts with these words: “I don’t know if you do this sort of thing…” Of course, immediately I am interested. “We are installing a piece of art and we […]

Time-lapse stories: where are the flying cars?

03 October 2021

When I was a kid I used to be fascinated by comics with visions of the future. Some ideas looked amazing. Some looked terrifying. And much has come to true… Amazon’s robot warehouses, push-button education, Apple’s wristwatch TV, a one world job market, electronic Christmas cards, wall-to-wall TV, genetically modified […]

Time-lapse – why should you bother?

04 September 2021

Time-lapse is fashionable – oh so very, very fashionable. Every new project must have a time-lapse system. But actually – why bother? Of course, the main reason is that your customer wants it. They want a cool time-lapse film at the end of the project, which is, of course, a […]

What can a web portal do for my business?

03 September 2021

It’s a simple question, yet often overlooked. What can a web portal do for my business? What are the benefits? Will it improve my turnover? Will it save me money? All the information you need is within a read away… IMPROVED COMMUNICATION A web portal can improve communication and management […]

3 web portal examples your business can learn from

11 August 2021

WHY DO ORGANISATIONS INVEST IN PORTALS? There are many different reasons why an organisation would implement a web portal. It can improve communication processes externally with partners and internally with staff. As well as that, it can simplify processes and integrate data to be accessible in one place. There are […]

When to consider online portal development

23 July 2021

Knowing whether you should develop your online systems can sometimes be a tough call. There may be many questions and challenges you are facing, and that’s totally understandable. Building a portal requires time and money, it’s not a small investment. In the real world, we all want speedy and professional […]

B2B portal development – what to consider

16 July 2021

When it comes to portal development, there are a few things to consider when it comes to business to business (B2B). Is your client experience good? If so, is it good enough? Your clients should be able to interact seamlessly with your business. There shouldn’t be any hiccups, everything they […]

Timelapse, time-lapse or time lapse?

12 July 2021

Surely the Eternal Question of the industry? Every week someone asks us this question. Sometimes we see emails with all three versions in the same paragraph. So let’s settle this once and for all. I started with Google. A simple search gives us 178 million for time-lapse, 133 million for […]

How do I know if I need a portal or my existing portal needs updating?

25 June 2021

Portals aren’t meant to be built and left. They require development, for the following reasons: Stay up to date with technical trends. Stay on top of your competitors. To offer the best possible experience for your clients/customers. The following reasons we’ll be going through are signs that you need to […]

Why building a web portal for your client is a good idea

07 June 2021

Client portals. They can do so much more for your business than you may realise. With a portal, your clients can, easily place and track orders, communicate more effectively and have on-demand access to your business. People like things to be made easy for them. There is no point in […]

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